Saturday, May 28, 2011

2 Weeks Old

Our 2 week appointment was this week and here is how Mr. Caleb is quickly changing...

weight: 9lbs 6oz. He gained almost a whole pound from last weeks visit. !! This was of great relief to Mommy. Breast feeding is doing this little one good, and I feel like I can sigh a bit of relief. It's hard not knowing how much they are taking in!

Length: 22" long. So he grew 2" from his birth length

Sleeping in with Daddy!
Tummy time

little toes

I hate bath time...

But I love being clean!

Caleb William Cooper


Caleb William Cooper

Born May 12th, 2011 at 12:38 PM

8lbs 10oz!My sweet boy

1st family photo

Well Caleb finally arrived 2 weeks ago (yes I am just now posting bc life is crazy with a newborn), and we couldn't be more excited to have the little duder with us! After a 5 night stint in the hospital we arrived home 2 sundays ago. I went in on a Tuesday night where they promptly began my induction. Welllll that didn't go so smoothly and after 2 days with ZERO (yes, I'll repeat ZERROO) cm dilation, we could go no longer. I went in for a C-Section at 12:00 and thirty-eight minutes later I had little Caleb in my arms. The C-section was quick and easy, and after two weeks I am thankful to say I have no bandages, scabs, and a just a tiny scar (which is already geting doses of Mederma) to show. So Sunday we were released from the hospital and Caleb, Brian, and I have just ben adjusting to our new life.

After two shorts weeks, I have to say I have a new found respect for all mothers. It is impossible to explain the emotions and how overwhelming it all is. We were so prepared for his arrival, but mentally you just can't be there until he comes. I find myself reaching out to all my mommy friends just to chat about how life was for them the first few weeks. I now know about this unspoken mommy bond that people don't tell you about until you have a child. It's the "I have been in your shoes, I'm here no matter what". It really connects you to other Moms, even strangers! The love we feel for Caleb is so strong, and I know I will do anything in this world for that little man until the day I die. Motherhood has completely flipped my life around... for the better.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Here we Go!

"A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come;
but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish
because of her joy that a child is born into the world."
John 16:21

We just had our 40 week appointment and sonogram, and the decision has been made to go ahead and induce tomorrow night. The sonogram looked great, and our boy's weighing in at 8lbs. 9oz! He was just nestled in there, looking a bit crunched.

So we check in tomorrow night at 10:00 and they will start the IV drip. I am hoping that all goes well, and I will get to hold my baby sometime Wednesday! Next time I write this we will be parents! Until then, keep your prayers coming for a healthy and safe delivery.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 39 & class baby shower

Today I had my weekly appointment... and still no dilation! So Monday we will go in and have a sonogram (Tuesday is my d-day). If little man is looking a little hefty (eight lbs or more) we will go ahead and schedule a C-Section. If I am dilated and he is below eight lbs. we will schedule an induction. If neither is the case...I will slowly go crazy! Just joking (slightly). So it looks like we could possibly have a due date baby! Brian has been great at relaxing me, and reminding me that God will bless us with our baby when he chooses! We have to be thankful that each time I see the doctor, we have great reports and I have had a healthy pregnancy. I guess I am just such a wonderful host, my little one isn't ready to give that up.

I saw this the other day, and loved it! I am even doing some of these before Caleb arrives! I did number 1 yesterday!

Class Baby Shower!

Are these not the cutest! My Room Moms surprised me with yet another baby shower! The class participated in this one and it was too cute! I loved the little cupcakes with fondant babies wrapped in blankets. We had a great time, and Caleb received some great gifts! I loves watching how excited the kids were as I opened their gifts. It was a great way to end my the school year.