Friday, January 13, 2012

A 2 month wrap-up!

So I have had a serious blog-hiatus! Too busy during the Holidays with travel, family, and friends. Bad Mommy! SO instead of typing a 5 page story on what we have been up to, I'll do a photo re-cap to catch back up to date (yesterday's 8 Month photo)!

Caleb turned 8 Months!
At 8 months we now have 2 bottom teeth, pull ourselves all around the floor doing a military crawl (not a full back leg crawl yet), pull myself up on things occasionally, eat some meats now at dinner, and use a sippy cup to drink my water!
I love swinging! Mommy and Daddy need to get one for the yard so I don't have to just use it at the park!
Pulling up on my walker
Enjoy my new jogging stroller, so Mom can get her butt back in shape!

Christmas Re-cap
Christmas Day at Grandma and Grandpa Randall's. Hanging with one of my great grandmas
toys, and more toys!
Christmas morning at my house. Opening gifts with Gigi, great grandmommy, Aunt Niki, Unlce Ryan, GReat Aunt Wendy, and my fun great cousins Kaycey and Sydney!

Christmas Eve at Grandpa and Grandma Cooper's house
kissing my cuz, Cole
playing on my new rocking and singing caterpillar

I went to many Christmas Parties and saw a lot of friends!
Hanging out with Sadie...tried my first "puff" food there!
I got to see Santa! I loved his beard
Mommy and Daddy had a nice trip to NYC!
I enjoyed decorating our tree and playing with the lights!
Thanksgiving first experience with the swing.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween! Caleb's first Halloween

Avery the lady bug and Caleb Mr. Lion Man

Avery, Cole, & Caleb, hanging with the big girls!

Mr. Lion Man

Friday, October 21, 2011

Caleb's 5 months! Lots of fun to be had. Going to have a picture post to show the fun he's been having:

My first pumpkin patch

Enjoying being bundled up for a change. We enjoyed a stroll down Park Ave during our nice cold front!

Starting to sit up even better on my own... enjoying the wood floor

Besides that Caleb continues to grow and change as each week passes. He now babbles "dada dadada baba". He doesn't know what he is saying but Brian likes to think he means to call him dada, already... A couple more months until that happens. He's rolling over and really enjoying it all! We love you little man!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

4 1/2 Months

Baby Boy is growing so fast. Just today while we were sitting in church, I realized how big he is getting. He sat there and held his soccer rattle, shoes, burp cloth... just about anything he could get his hands on. No longer will he just lay in my arms for long periods of time. Nope, he's trying to stand, turn, and wiggle about.

We started rice cereal a couple weeks ago, and this week he has had some oatmeal. Caleb really likes it, and just gobbles it down. He's a big growing boy! At our 4 month appointment he was 50% for weight (16lbs) and 90% for his height! Long and lean like his Daddy. :)

"Baby Babble" has become a constant sound in our household, as Caleb really likes to hear his voice (much like his Mom) and even screech like an animal. One day this week, I really had to try not to sing or chat a lot with him because his voice got so raspy for "talking" so much the days before. Caleb is also rolling over from his stomach to his back, and sometimes even holding his bottle for a minute or two! Slow down with all this big boy stuff!!

This week Brian and I became an Aunt and Uncle! Congratulations to Megan and Todd on their precious baby, Cole Anderson Cooper. He is a cutie pie, and we can't wait to spoil him!! Caleb and Cole are lucky to have each other to run around and catch lizards, play in the dirt, and do all the things little boys do. Caleb really looks like a giant next to Cole. It is amazing how much a difference 4 1/2 months can be now, but it's nothing later in life!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We're growing over here!

Caleb is 15 weeks today... around three and half months. I have had a serious blog hiatus, but summer can be crazy. We have been all over, and little man just adapts to his surroundings. This past weekend we celebrated his Grandma's 60th birthday, over at the beach. It was a blast! Caleb experienced the pool for the first time. I think he thought he was in a big bath. I have over 300 hundred pictures (imagine that) so I'll have to post when we get them all uploaded. Little man had four nights of sleeping 8-6 or 7...then we were back to his 4,5 am wake up calls. I REALLY look forward to my morning coffee. Here are some things Caleb has been up to...

  • grasping at, toys, pacifier

  • loves his hands in his mouth. Actually he is starting to put anything he is holding in his mouth

  • he takes four naps a day (he's a cat napper...mommy is just getting use to running around the house and trying to fit her "to do" list within a forty-five minute time span) Although he usually gives me one long 1hr-2hr nap

  • He is all smiles...and occasionally will give us a laugh! It. Is. Adorable.

  • He loves his Daddy...He sits and "talks" with Dad forever in the evenings

  • cooing and squealing take up a lot of his time... he loves to hear his voice. If you whisper to him he will coo back in a whisper. Too cute! This weekend he had his first "conversations" with one of his girlfriends, Avery. They sat there and babbled to each other for five minutes.

  • sleeping at night... sort of

More pictures to come once I have them uploaded! I just read this section in one of my fav blogs (little miss momma) about moms and how much we worry, but yet how that is part of our Job. I'll share it for all the mommas... it's so true. Makes this mom feel a little bit better. :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

5 Weeks

Caleb is 5 weeks today! I can't believe another week has gone by. We have some fun things coming up this to the beach again next week (this time I am getting him in a little bathing suit), Indian Rocks, DC, and then we are finished traveling until the Fall. You'll be a good little traveler by then!

Caleb's newborn photos are here!